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r_lawrence ♡ 47 ( +1 | -1 )
The search for an EXCELLENT... TRAINING CD!!! I know, you can look at reviews but I really would like to hear from someone that has bought, used one and REALLY liked it. When I joined WCN a couple of years ago, I got the TASC training CD .. it was simple, and instructive, and really improved my tactics.

I have a couple that are about specific openings, but I would like one for middle game, another for end game, and maybe one for advanced tactical training. Can anyone make some good suggestions?
wadvana ♡ 55 ( +1 | -1 )
Total Chess Training Total chess training consists of five magnificent educational programs: Chess Tactics Art 3.0; Strategy 2.0; Encyclopedia of Middlegame; Encyclopedia of Opening Blunders; Studies 2.0, and they're all targetted at the intermediate to Master, mind you most of the examples even go up to Grandmaster standard.

As you can see, the package by Chess Assistant covers opening,middlegame and endings.
The program has a progress indicator, giving you vital stats on areas in which you need to improve.
You can buy the programs seperately and they're reasonably priced around $20 considering the quality of program.

Best of luck.
r_lawrence ♡ 11 ( +1 | -1 )
wadvana ... Thanks for the info .... i've seen this product out there. Have you (or anyone else) used it? How did you like it?
drgandalf ♡ 32 ( +1 | -1 )
r_lawrence I strongly recommend you consult a chess teacher on any instructional materials, books, videos, or cds. The best book, video, or cd is the one you are ready for at this time. A chess teacher can guide you toward that.

The alternative is to buy lots of inappropriate stuff, meant for players at levels too far above or two far below you.

Best in your search.