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legalos ♡ 4 ( +1 | -1 )
tips give me tips im 11 please help
myway316 ♡ 62 ( +1 | -1 )
Try this... stronger players whenever you can.Keep scores of all your games,and go over them every so often,ESPECIALLY THE LOSSES.This will teach you pattern recognition.Play all games,win,lose or draw out to checkmate(or stalemate).Study tactics(more patterns).Start studying the endgame,it's the most important and difficult phase of the game.Don't waste any time studying opening theory,most of it is useless drivel.Don't get discouraged-you are going to lose a lot of games,but each loss is a valuable lesson. Good luck,and feel free to contact me here if you need any more help.
myway316 ♡ 63 ( +1 | -1 )
Let me add something... will need to learn something about openings,but keep it simple.As White,your 1st move should always be 1.e4,leading to open type games where you must learn to develop your pieces ASAP.Learn one good line against any Black defense,and learn it thoroughly.As Black,if White plays 1.e4 you answer 1...e5.If White plays 1.d4,you find a good defense that starts with 1...d5. Anything else White throws at you,and you're not sure,don't panic-just play good,normal,developing moves. As you get stronger,you can start playing different openings for both sides.
lespaul ♡ 60 ( +1 | -1 )
You should... ... First learn to spell. It's LegOlAs not legalos.
No, just kidding, I'm sure legolas was already taken :P

I suggest you use google to find some information about the simpler openings of chess, such as the Queen's Gambit and the King's Gambit.

The only way you will improve though, is through experience.
You'll begin to recognize patterns that form in the game, and traps which you shouldn't fall into.

Play the higher ranked players if you can, because you will learn better defense that way, and once your defense is at a certain level, you can start working on attack.
premium_steve ♡ 44 ( +1 | -1 )
don't worry too much about openings yet!!! i don't think it is best to study openings if you are really new to the game. just play games!!! and playing against stronger people is certainly a good idea. even if u lose every game, you will improve very much! like lespaul said, you'll begin learning from your mistakes and seeing things that come up again an again. these are probably the best things for you to focus on right now.
duffer ♡ 50 ( +1 | -1 )
I disagree Do not really concur with some of myway's thoughts. At the least learn opening principles if not actual openings, very important, else you are positionally behind right out of the gate. When every GM knows most openings backwards and forwards its hard to accept that it is useless drivel. Also, I question how much is to be gained by playing all games throught to checkmate if you are behind, sometimes an eventual loss in a large material disadvantage is a mere formality and its better to move on.
myway316 ♡ 73 ( +1 | -1 )
I stand by my position... that most opening books are nothing but compilations of variational gibberish,giving analysis that usually goes over the head of the average tyro,instead of explaining the thematic ideas behing the opening in question.As for my stand on checkmate,it's a well-known fact that most players below the rank of master(and quite a few above it!) can't play an elementary endgame worth a damn.And by elementary,I mean just that! I've seen players rated 2100 USCF who don't know how to mate with B+N vs.K,or know what the opposition is,or know what a Lucena position is,much less try to play one. Besides,checkmates are also patterns that are valuable to know,especially for novices.
caldazar ♡ 133 ( +1 | -1 )
1. Learn about development. You have more pieces than just your light-squared bishop and your queen; play with all your pieces. If your opponent blocks your immediate attack, rather than trying to reposition one or two pieces to generate a new attack, consider trying to bring more pieces into the game first, and then use all of them together to try to attack and overwhelm your opponent's position.

2. Right before you move, first imagine the move you want to make in your mind and then check all your pieces to make sure your opponent can't take any of them for free.

3. IN GENERAL (but not always!), the more mobile a piece is (that is, the easier it is for a piece to get to and attack lots of different squares), the more valuable the piece is. Of course, just because a piece can get to a certain square doesn't necessarily mean it will be useful on that square. Still, it's something to bear in mind when you're considering trading away pieces.

4. Before you make your move, try to guess what your opponent's next move is going to be.

5. If the game looks like it's going to go on for awhile, consider trying to work out a way to castle. That way, your king will be out of the way and less vulnerable to dangerous attacks.
caldazar ♡ 19 ( +1 | -1 )
Forgot one 6. Right after your opponent moves, before even starting to think about what you want to move, try to figure out why your opponent made the move that he did.