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Have you ever played online chess? Online chess can be a lot of fun. Come play online chess with us!
♡ 32 ( +1 | -1 )
Chess Books
Well, I finally did it. I bought a chess book. :-0 It's titled 'Weapons of Chess' by NM Bruce Pandolfini. I will be going into seclusion in order to assimilate all of the strategy offered. I'm offering this up as fair warning to current and future opponents. When I slap that wicked combination on you, you can thank Bruce. >:)
♡ 6 ( +1 | -1 )
Fair Warning to you too, Thumper
No one EVER ends up buying just ONE chess book...
♡ 11 ( +1 | -1 )
And from a certain stage
you should start buying older books from russian GM's like Suetin, Bolelavsky, Furman etc.
♡ 4 ( +1 | -1 )
where does one find those?
♡ 47 ( +1 | -1 )
Please don't confuse "GM" with "Chess Author Extraordinaire". It's usually quite the contrary!
There are a lot of great books by strong players (and excellent teachers) that are directed towards class players; these are the ones you want. I'd recommend Jeremy Silman's "How to Reassess your Chess" and Watson's "Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy" (yes, even before Nimzowitsh).
For a player that doesn't know "what's going on", those two books are priceless...
♡ 18 ( +1 | -1 )
A Good Book
I found Jeremy Silman's "The Complete Book of Chess Strategy from A to Z" very helpful. It's probably not as helpful for experts and Grandmasters, but a lowly 1300 player can use the information.
♡ 18 ( +1 | -1 )
A Good Book
I found Jeremy Silman's "The Complete Book of Chess Strategy from A to Z" very helpful. It's probably not as helpful for experts and Grandmasters, but a lowly 1300 player can use the information.
♡ 46 ( +1 | -1 )
Good books
Suetin's books are very good.
Both books recommended by sy_or_bust, "How to reasess your Chess", by Silman, and "Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy" by Watson are wonderful, both of them are chess book masterpieces!
I personally love "The seven deadly chess sins" by Rowson, about the psychology of the game.
And, as said, you'll probably never stop with one book, and will have a bigger and bigger chess library as you advance!