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♡ 21 ( +1 | -1 )
doubled pawns
i would like hear your opinions on doubled pawns.
do you go out of your way to force doubled pawns on your opponent?do you take great care to keep it from happening to you? how important is it? thanx
♡ 66 ( +1 | -1 )
They are not always bad.
In very closed positions where pawns block the board, I actually try to get doubled pawns sometimes just so I can have an open file for my rooks. Or other times I want my opponent to give up the bishop pair by trading a bishop for a knight in order to double my pawns, I usually double them towrds the center and use my central pawn mass (including the doubled pawns) to gain space and push my opponent out of the center.
One situation which is almost always bad is when you let your oppoent double your pawns in front of your castled king, so there is a suddenly a huge whole in your king's fortress!!!
♡ 5 ( +1 | -1 )
they suck
doubled pawns suck. i hate them.
♡ 4 ( +1 | -1 )
thank you brain,very helpful
♡ 31 ( +1 | -1 )
I once had a game...
...where I had quadrupled pawns! However, it was a long time ago, over the board, long before the internet. I even won the game!
Sometimes a mass of pawns in the centre, with a few doubled, can sometimes be an advantage - it all depends on if you can mobilise them into a 'pawn-storm' with your other pieces.
♡ 28 ( +1 | -1 )
doubled and isolated pawns
are usually weak and normally count as only one pawn when looking at material equality.
I played a very unusual R+P ending where both my a & h pawns were doubled board #415288
♡ 9 ( +1 | -1 )
a and h pawns doubled
that happens in the krazy cat after Nh3 and Na3, when both knights are taken by bishops.
♡ 14 ( +1 | -1 )
me neither
i don't like doubled pawns either. Mind you i don't much like any pawns. in fact i don't like anything about chess. i hate it.
♡ 7 ( +1 | -1 )
is bad
thes pawns is not good. is best not to have double pawns.
♡ 24 ( +1 | -1 )
It depends on the position
Double pawns can be both good and bad. Im never partcularly worried about doubling my pawns with a bishop knight exchange.
I would only bother trying to double my opponents pawns if I gained something from it.
♡ 20 ( +1 | -1 )
A nice position
Here is a nice position for double pawns' lowers :-)
White: Ke1, Ra1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7
Black: Ka8
Mate in 8 moves.
Author: W.Shinkman 1887
Solution: 1.0-0-0 Kxa7 2.Rd8 Kxa6 3.Rd7 Kxa5 4.Rd6 Kxa4 5.Rd5 Kxa3 6.Rd4 Kxa2 7.Rd3 Ka1 8.Rd3#